'Brothers' is the musical collaboration of Samuel and Seth Nolan, two Gunditjmara siblings raised in central Victoria with an ongoing connection to the Kulin Nation.

 During their DJ sets, they build off each others energy and focus on fun and upbeat percussive and tribalistic tech-house, with rolling bass-lines and plenty of groove. Finding deep inspiration in the many dreaming stories and Lores of Aboriginal cultures, their productions combine recordings of the natural world and Elders stories with electronica, to create contemporary expressions of Aboriginal culture.

 Alongside their other brother boy ChunKy, they are exploring a new genre they call ‘Aboriginal Techno’. The three are founding members of Tongberang’i Ngarrga Inc, meaning ‘Born To Dance’ in Woi Wurrung language. This not for profit Aboriginal organisation provides an outlet for people of all ages to connect with one another, while celebrating and expressing Aboriginal culture to the wider community through the medium of electronic dance music.

 Brothers love nothing more than bringing the whole community together in celebration through culture, music and dance. Over the years they’ve performed at many well known Melbourne based events and festivals including Rainbow Serpent Festival, and the two are really looking forward to their first interstate performance at Mushroom Valley in 2019!